20th Annual Eldridge Children’s Home
Benefit Ride
Always the 1st Saturday in December!
Jasper, AL
Escorted ride will leave Parkland Shopping Center at 10:30am
Weather will not be a factor!
Riders are asked to bring donations from businesses as well as
encouraged to collect outside donations from your non-riding friends
and associates of cash or check’s made payable to:
Eldridge Children’s Home
Give as your heart dictates and brighten a child’s life.
Ride to arrive at Eldridge before 11:30am for refreshments, lunch & presentation
This benefit is sponsored by caring local area Alabama and Mississippi Motorcycle and Car Enthusiasts and Businesses
While we take every precaution for a safe ride, we ask that riders wear proper gear for safety and riders understand
they are riding at their own risk and to obey all traffic laws and direction provided by Law Enforcement officers during the event.
Jasper Contacts
Brenda Williams @ 205-275-8961
Steve Odom @ 205-295-8250
Greg Clark @ 205-275-8087
You may also email questions and comments to info@eldridgetoyrun.com
Additional information about the event may be found at
our “Eldridge Toy Run” Facebook page.
Donate Now